Letters From New Zealand

14/12/99 Paraparaumu

Stayed with our former Dutch hosts, Systke and Marius. M told us in no uncertain manner how much he DIDN'T miss his old lifestyle and country, while S looked a little forlorn. The mossies didn't both us, but it took us an incredible time to find a nylon laundry bag for our forthcoming four-day trek. (We don't carry our packs: the boat company picks them up and delivers them to destination jetties for us.) At the giant shopping mall, we dodged past the ladies selling suspiciously rank-looking sausages for Christmas, bought a couple of raffle tickets but refused receipt, and finally found satisfaction at the rather sad super-cheapo store Warehouse. Kiwifruit wine (bought from Kiwifruit Country) rounded off an evening spent unsuccessfully trying to avoid the new Denise Van Outen sitcom, 'Babes In The Wood'. (Note to American cousins: you loved Benny Hill? You'll love... ah, just piss off eh?)

The day was spent working on that damn Spin article in Hastings (twin art deco city to neighboring Napier), and driving between Hawkes Bay and the south. It was raining, mostly.

next installment...

