Who Are You?: tina

Where Are You?: at work (technical support). ottawa, canada.

What Are You?: 19 year old aspiring actress.

What do you make?: daily entries on my blog. as daily as i possibly can, anyway.

What do you love?: my boyfriend, family, friends.

What do you hate?: work politics.

What do you listen to?: indie rock, hip-hop, anything.

What do you watch?: people doing every day things.

What do you drink?: water. tazo chai lattés from starbucks.

What do you smoke?: second-hand marijuana.

What do you take?: vitamins when i remember. pills for IBS.

What do you believe in?: myself and the people i love. i'm not religious.

When We Were 16

Where were you?: same suburb, different house.

What were you?: confused.

What did you wear?: very trendy clothes... i made a lot of money then, that i could spend.

What did you listen to?: a lot more britpop that i do now.

What did you watch?: nothing, i was too busy.

What did you love?: my family and friends, but not as much as i love them now.

What did you hate?: my idiotic classmates, math class, homework.

What did you drink?: way more pop than i do now.

What did you smoke?: nothing.

What did you take?: nothing.

What did you want to be?: i didn't know yet.

Who did you fight?: my parents.

Who/What did you believe in?: nothing.

Where did you go?: home, work, school. my friends' houses.

What did you learn?: well we did this clown unit in drama class where we discovered our inner child and how to make people laugh simply by being. i remember that. and many other things from drama class.

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