
Who Are You?: Amanda
Where Are You?: NYC, Brooklyn, Greenpoint.
What Are You?: A photographer who sometimes writes shitty poetry..
What do you make?: Art (and pretentious poetry), sometimes I make great reddish jello.
What do you love?: the fact that i just sold a photograph for $1000 and that I'll go out celebrating at my friends great club tomorrow.
What do you hate?: that i'm stuck in my apt tonite..
What do you listen to?: 60-70 garage, and early 90-brittish pop.
What do you watch?: maya derren movies
What do you drink?: amaretto sour, strawberrymilk
What do you smoke?: Benson and Hedges, lights
What do you take?: not too much, not too often
What do you believe in?: the big bad dodgy disco, top tunes, crap mixing

When We Were 16

Where were you?: in a smalltown, Kinna, Sweden.. Tiny, tiny, tiny.
What were you?: a blackhaired pop-giza, with no clue, studying philosophy, sociology and litterature.
What did you wear?: fishnets, and tiara.
What did you listen to?: the smiths
What did you watch?: soapoperas
What did you love?: big cities
What did you hate?: smalltowns
What did you drink?: strawberry milk
What did you smoke?: benson and hedges
What did you take?: all herbs people said would work, they never did.
What did you want to be?: rockstar and philosopher
Who did you fight?: the bad bad environment-bad guys
Who/What did you believe in?: morrissey
Where did you go?: to Gothenburg and London
What did you learn?: that i never could be a rockstar, and that i was moving as soon i finished school.