
Sunday, June 08, 2003
Or maybe that should have read My Mac ate Gram Parsons...

Gram Parsons ate my Mac

Bloody computers. Far too long spent this morning getting some documents printed properly from a PC onto a decent printer (it’s a long, boring story), and then this afternoon my PowerBook decides it likes Gram Parsons so much it ain’t gonna let the CD go. So, despite repeated coaxing with a paperclip, it’s still in there, resolutely refusing to budge. Having checked the Apple website for their Service Centres, I see that the nearest one is in Bristol, and hey, guess what? It’s not open on a Saturday, the only day I could possibly get up and take the bloody thing in for a look see… So do I really have to box the bleedin’ thing up and send it by mail? Then wait another week whilst they do whatever they need to do? Grrr. There must be an easier way.

Bloody computers.